To watch complete INCRA Rules click here
Available in 6"/150mm or 12"/300mm lengths, the Professional T-Rules are the most versatile and precise layout devices available anywhere. Both lengths offer Incra's patented marking holes at every 1/16", 1/32", and 1/64", but the Pro T-Rules go two steps beyond our standard T-Rules by including marking holes at an incredible 1/100" (0.010") spacing and also a metric scale with marking holes on 0.5mm spacing.
There's even a set of marking holes on a 1/32" spacing at the end of the rule! Slide the stop bar so the end is flush with the bottom of the rule, stand it on edge, and then use the vertical scale with amazing precision. INCRA
Rules are as thin as business cards to completely eliminate the
parallax problems of thicker rulers, and they're flexible to conform to
work that's not flat.
These T-Rules are also available in our combination pack Rule Sets.
Made in USA. Questions? Call: 1.888.803.6272
